2209. Невыполненный :: Unfulfilled
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Во время работы Стивена Стотча звучит «Шестнадцать тонн» в исполнении «Теннесси» Эрни Форда. Композиция повествует о тяжелых условиях труда и бедственном положении шахтеров-угольщиков США в период «Великой депрессии» 1929-1939 годов. Ранее, в эпизоде «Видеонабор тупой испорченной шлюхи» эту песню напевал Баттерс когда копал уголь.
Эпизоды »
Somebody came and took my hopes and dreams away
And Now I am lost, and unfulfilled
Curtains closed
All we wore - a distant memory
Somebody just bitch-slapped the smile right off o' me
And here I am, so unfulfilled
The happiness I knew just got raped and killed
And all I am is unfulfilled.
Nothing that i have seems like enough.
All I left to ask is where is my stuff?
It's sitting somewhere. Unfulfilled.
and melt, and morrow is nothing borrow never day.
Somebody came and took my hopes and dreams away.
And Now I lost,
and unfulfilled
Court it's close.
All we were are testing memory
Somebody just do slept the smile right out for me,
And here I am,
So unfulfilled
The happiness I know just how written killed
And How I'm with unfulfilled.
Nothing there i have seems like enough.
All I know that asked where is my stuff?
And singing somewhere