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1411. Енот 2: Непредусмотрительность :: Coon 2: Hindsight

Енот 2: Непредусмотрительность :: Coon 2: Hindsight
Енот и его команда бросаютя на помощь жертвам аварии на нефтяной платформе BP в Мексиканском заливе. Но всю славу забирает загадочный супер-герой.
Вырвавшиеся наружу монстры из другого измерения, а также сам Ктулху, есть отсылки к творчеству Лавкрафта. В конце также репортер произносит «Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn».

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Mint Berry Crunch - it could be Bradley, since they have similar hair styles and voices, or it could be Kenny, since Kenny usually drinks water while his friends drink beverages they could pay for. Mint Berry Crunch drinks water in the restaurant after being battered by Coon. Bradley hasn't been suggested for any of the other three superheroes.
Human Kite - it could be Kenny, since Human Kite's head is fully covered, like Kenny's usually is, except for the face. Or it could by Kyle, since Kite said this to Coon: "Coon, I'm sorry, but we're kicking you out of Coon and Friends." He's sitting next to Tool Shed when saying this.
Mosquito - it could be Kyle, since he has more lines in the episode than any other superhero except Coon himself, and he comes up with alternatives, as Kyle would. Cartman also attacks him ruthlessly on the way to the grocery store. Kyle would probably have recovered and fought back though, which Mosquito didn't do. Or it could be Kenny, since Mosquito's voice is altered by the vuvuzela he has for a proboscis. Or it could be Clyde, since he's the only other boy beside Kyle to confront Cartman (and Stan is already accounted for).
Mysterion - it could be Clyde, and that goes back to the first Coon episode, in which he's the only kid who is sound asleep during Cartman's report on the Coon. Cartman had to wake him up. Some say the voice doesn't match Clyde's voice though. Or it could be Kenny, since like Kenny his voice is altered and his head is mostly covered.
Эрик Картманез
1 (1 vs 0)
31.10.2010 16:40:29
В английском там нет скрытого смысла.
I really enjoy having you be a part of Coon and Friends
Эрик Картманез
0 (0 vs 0)
31.10.2010 16:39:37
ЗАметили, на первых минутах когда картмен говорит с мятоягодным пирогом во время фразы "члЕН КОМАНДЫ" держит свои пальцы с когтями в виде члена )))))
0 (0 vs 0)
31.10.2010 16:37:14
Zieg Hail! -- отвечаю: "В некоторых сериях моя фамилия и правда Донован, а в других -- Гудман, а еще я бываю Харисом"
Clyde Goodman
0 (0 vs 0)
31.10.2010 16:14:16
я тут заметил что на 8.12м на двери есть плакат а на 8.15м уже нет...
0 (0 vs 0)
31.10.2010 16:03:04
у него фамилия Доновам вроде)
Zieg Hail!
0 (0 vs 0)
31.10.2010 15:48:44
Поддержу тебя и скажу: "НА  <ВЦ>  МИСТЕРИОНА (хоть Мистрион -- я)"
Clyde Goodman
0 (0 vs 0)
31.10.2010 14:18:47
В общем сейчас мы все дружно можем полететь в бан:D
Хотя думаю скорее я один полечу
Kyley - B
0 (0 vs 0)
31.10.2010 13:54:58
Да не похер ли кто такой Мистерион! Запарили своими догадками!
0 (0 vs 0)
31.10.2010 13:50:21
А не  <ВЦ>  со своим Мистерионом?
Kyley - B
0 (0 vs 0)
31.10.2010 13:46:54
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